Back To School

Back To School Prayer Challenge, Day 1: Teachers


“Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works,
and in your teaching show integrity, dignity,”
~Titus 2:7

“The calling of the teacher.
There is no craft more privileged.
To awaken in another human being powers,
dreams beyond one’s own;
to induce in others a love for that which one loves;
to make of one’s inward present their future;
that is a threefold adventure like no other.”
~George Steiner


As we prepare for the school year, we are caught up in making sure our kids are ready, making sure WE’RE ready! Ha!

So it’s easy to forget to be praying for the person who is going to be spending hours each day with your child – the teacher.

Your child’s teacher is preparing for 9 months of teaching a classroom full of kids he or she hasn’t met before. Each child will have their own strengths and weaknesses, and come from their unique background. It is no simple task for a teacher to teach those kids all year and try to ensure that each child improves, learns, and excels. So with that said, where do we start? How should we pray for our children’s teachers? Here are some suggestions:

  • First of all, pray for their home life with their families. We all know that circumstances at home affect us even when we’re not at home. A struggling marriage, a sick child — these things can weigh on a teacher’s shoulders, and it’s impossible to NOT bring it into the classroom in some way. So pray for their home. Pray that their relationships will remain strong, that their family will be healthy and that there will be balance and peace in the home.
  • Pray for encouragement throughout the year. Any job, no matter how tough, it always easier to face when you have encouragement behind you. Pray that your child’s teacher will receive encouragement from their colleagues, parents and their own families. Pray that at the end of each day, even the really LONG ones, they will feel a sense of accomplishment and that their work is meaningful.
  • Pray for their classroom. That proper rules will be set up and enforced consistently. That the kids will respond well and listen to their teacher. Pray that there will be a culture of respect in the classroom, that the teacher will have patience with each child, and that they will see each boy and girl through compassionate eyes.
  • Finally, pray for their teaching! Pray that they’ll get through all the content they need to during the year, and that they’ll be able to communicate it effectively to their students. Pray for creative approaches that will help keep the children’s attention, and even inspire them. Also, pray for wisdom as the teacher encounters each child and their learning differences.

As you can see, there is plenty to pray about for your child’s teacher this year. This is not an exhaustive list – you may think of other things to pray for. Please do! Regardless what you come up with as your prayer list, just carve out 5 minutes today and go before the Lord for this teacher. There’s nothing that says you have to stop there either! Pray for the rest of the faculty, the staff and the administration. They all have quite a challenge ahead of them as the new school year starts.

Tomorrow, we’ll be praying for our kid’s friends and classmates!



Dear Daniel,

Today (January 11th), is your birthday. It’s hard to believe you are three already! We’ve watched you grow through pictures, and progress reports. The latest report describes you as having broad shoulders, a chubby belly, and that you are all boy. 🙂 They say you are shy around strangers…and I remind myself to expect you to be shy when we meet you.

Daniel, I know you don’t know us yet. But we have been loving you from thousands of miles away for many months. We are waiting for the day we get to meet you in person…and the day we get to bring you home to our family. Your brother and sister talk about you all the time – they even have “gifts” wrapped up for you (some of their toys they think you’ll like). Your daddy prays for you each night. Your bed is made, clothes folded and put in the dresser.

All that is missing is you.

I wish with all my heart that you were celebrating your 3rd birthday with us, but I promise that this coming year will be full of celebrations – including your Gotcha day. We can’t wait, sweet boy.

In the meantime, keep growing, learning and loving others. But don’t grow too quickly – we know all too well how quickly time passes, and we want as much time with you as we can get. We’ll be there soon, Daniel! Happy birthday.

We love you,
Mom (and dad, Zach & Bekah)




Blogging hasn’t been my thing lately.

There have been a thousand other things to do, and while most of the time there was just NO time, there were moments when I thought about blogging, and felt it would be a selfish use of time. Because saying “I got a blog post written!” doesn’t take care of the pile of clean laundry that hasn’t been folded; or the sink full of last night’s dinner dishes; or the mess in the car that has become a daily obstacle course challenge for my kids to get to their seats.

But, I miss writing. And this year, my theme is GRACE…not meaning that I get to do whatever I would like with my time, but when I want to write, or have something to write about, I’m going to do it. Usually I stress over thinking of a theme or series for my blogging, or try to make myself blog on regular basis. But I’m going to practice grace, and just promise this — I will write when I have something worth writing about. Maybe it won’t even be words – just a picture. Or a quote. But when it matters, I’ll post.

January is almost always a reflective month for me. I think I get that way after the holidays anyway. But add in that I’m about to turn 34, my son will be 7, my daughter will be 5, and our son that we don’t have home with us yet, will be 3 in a week…well, it leaves me with a lot to contemplate. So I’m sure I’ll have “stuff” to write about this month.

Until then, here’s to a year full of grace and being real. 😉

Adoption, family

Catching Up.

Clearly, I stepped away from blogging for awhile. I haven’t really had much to say, because I haven’t had much time to think! Life stepped in and got very, very busy. But don’t worry – most of it has been really good.

Zach turned 6 and Rebekah turned 4 last month, and I’m still staring at thank-you cards that I need to mail out from Christmas (yikes), my birthday (embarrassed), and the kids’ birthdays (my mother did not raise me like this!). I WILL get them sent out this weekend.

I got certified last month in Group Fitness, and got my CPR certification as well. Now I am teaching a dance fitness class twice a week at Jess Dance Studio! It’s so fun, and I still can’t believe it sometimes, since 2 years ago I was just trying dance fitness / Zumba for the first time, and NEVER expected to end up instructing! But I guess it’s true – Never say never!

Our adoption of our sweet Daniel is still happening, it’s just a lot of waiting. The Korean government is making a bunch of major changes to their international adoption policy. So there is a lot of uncertainty right now. I’m thankful that the uncertainty is about WHEN we will get Daniel, and not IF we will get him. Daniel just turned two, and we are just hoping and praying that we’ll be able to get him this year. I can’t show you a picture of him, but we just got a couple of new pics, and I CAN show you the shoes he was rockin’ in the photo:

I am so thankful, however, that while we wait, we know Daniel is being taken care of, and loved in a foster family. Not in an orphanage. So many other children are waiting for the international adoption process to move forward, and are in much more dire situations. There is an organization, called Both Ends Burning, and they’ve put out a documentary called “Stuck”. They are currently touring the U.S. and showing it in different cities along the way. But you can also purchase the documentary online. This documentary is definitely bringing to light the issues within international adoption, and they do an excellent job of making this a human issue – not a political one. Governments with their processes and red tape, sometimes forget that behind all the paperwork are children and families that need each other. Anyway, I’ve included the trailer, and if you’re near a place where it will be screening soon, please go see it!


To Be An Athlete Again.

I’m addicted to Pinterest – I totally admit it. I’m not in denial. I could spend hours on there, pinning recipes, home decor and quotes. Luckily, I don’t usually spend as much time on there as I could, because I refuse to wear my glasses, and inevitably get a headache from staring at the computer screen. But I pinned something a few weeks ago that has stuck with me and really summed up my journey to getting back into shape:









You see, I have always identified with being an athlete. My first “boyfriend”, in 2nd grade, dumped me for beating him in a race at recess (I don’t think it was meant to be). Each school year, Field Day was my time to shine. I ruled the Jog-a-thon. Outside of school, I took karate and gymnastics back-to-back. I really, truly wanted to be in the Olympics someday.

Once high school started, I found my place in sports. I played volleyball, basketball, and [attempted] softball. I loved being on teams – practicing together, and working toward a common goal. My teammates were my friends. I looked up to my coaches. Sports kept my feet on the ground – I didn’t have time for a lot of the stupidity that is high school – because I was focused on sports. Even my crushes were on other athletes. When Tyler and I were voted Most Athletic in our Senior class, I envisioned us getting married and having amazingly athletic children, whom we would ski with, climb Mount Everest with, and scuba dive with. And we would be recognized world-wide as the Most Athletic Family. 🙂 I’m exaggerating a little bit, but you get my point.

Fast forward 13 years, and I was married to Tyler, and we have two wonderful children that are extremely competitive, but at 5 & 3, we haven’t yet been able to fully test their athletic prowess. Although Rebekah is excellent at falling down the stairs…which is why she’s now taking gymnastics, in hopes she will learn to stick the landing instead of face-planting.

Somewhere along the way, I had gone from Most Athletic to Most Definitely Not Athletic. I had put on weight from eating junk and two pregnancies. I had gotten sedentary after a knee surgery. None of my clothes fit right anymore, but I refused to buy bigger sizes…so I looked ridiculous in my denial. I hated how I looked, but I told myself this was the new normal – that I needed to get used to it, because I was a mom now. Like somehow, moms are supposed to be overweight and miserable?! Sounds ridiculous now. I was no longer an athlete.

Part of who I was seemed to be gone.

It was embarrassing to post pictures on Facebook of myself, because I envisioned my old high school friends seeing them and gasping at how different I looked. I would have moments of motivation – I got on the Atkins diet really seriously for a few months, and lost a lot of weight, but gained it all back pretty quickly once I made friends again with carbs. I did the couch to 5K program with Tyler and my neighbors, which was good exercise, but I found myself just eating more to compensate for the extra work. So I didn’t lose any weight. Finally, as I’ve talked about before, I started taking a dance fitness class. It was fun, and a challenging workout. I started to lose some weight. That  sparked hope in me that maybe I could change myself. I joined the gym, and started working out. And each day, I started finding that part of me I thought I’d lost. I found my athlete in pushing myself to do that last set that burned. I found my athlete by dragging myself to the gym on the days it seemed too cold, or I was too tired, or there was no one there to workout with. And over the next year, the athlete in me has revealed itself more and more. I feel great.

I am an athlete again.

I wanted to write this to encourage you. A lot of us were athletes in high school. We were active, strong, and motivated. You may have lost your athlete over the years like I did. But you can be one again. It hasn’t been permanently lost. If you want to be an athlete again, start today. Do something to find it again. You won’t regret it.




October Photo Challenge

The October photo challenge at Rock the Shot is “Something Orange”. Luckily, there is a lot of orange found in the fall colors, as you will see in the trees in my photo. I took the kids out to a new part of our neighborhood – they’ve cleared it for homes, but haven’t started building yet, so the tall grass and backdrop of trees are great for photos. Happy October!





An Apple A Day…

…Doesn’t really help keep ZumbaMD away. True story.

Welcome to our second installment of ZumbaMD – where I attempt to identify, explain and warn you of common injuries associated with Zumba! In our first post, we dealt with 1 through 4 on our silhouette. Let’s look at the next few injuries today!

5. Back. Is your back sore? Does it hurt to sit up in the morning? Does it make interesting popping noises? You may have injured your back. In Zumba, the back is integral to many of the moves. It can be tweaked quite easily. You may intend for your lower body to go one way, and find your upper body not cooperating. At that point, you will injure your back. Additionally, you can hurt your back by trying to hard to “pop it”. This is a dance move that I am completely unfamiliar with, and cannot speak to its dangers. But any inquiries can be sent to Calla.

6. Abdominal Muscles. Do you find yourself unable to move from a reclined position into a sitting position without shaking or sharp pains in your stomach area? You have sore or injured Abs. This can occur from doing Zumba correctly, and/or staying for an abs challenge after class. Greatest offenders are sit-ups and planks. Personally, my abs have been extremely sore from watching myself do Zumba, and the uncontrolled laughter that follows. This is why I prefer a class without any mirrors – my abs just can’t take it! Luckily, abs recover quickly, and you should be able to sneeze or cough without crying within a couple of days.

7. Latissimus Dorsi Muscle. Or Lats for short. When these muscles are sore or hurt, it almost feels like a rib is injured. Your ribcage may actually feel sore to the touch. The song/routine to beware of this injury? Rocketeer. Another potential way to injure this area is to stand too close to someone during a song with side kicks. A swift, solid kick to the side will definitely leave this area sore. Ways to avoid this injury in the future? Keep at least a legs distance away from other dancers.

To Be Continued…


Happy Father’s Day!

Happy Father’s Day to all the wonderful dads out there – and especially to the one in this house! 🙂

The kids filled out a questionnaire about their dad as their gift to him – thought you’d enjoy seeing their answers: