Friendship, writing

When in Doubt, Write it Out.

I’m sitting here at my computer, on a cloudy, rainy Friday. I should be mowing the lawn, but the rain has ruined that plan. I should also write today. Actually, it’s been on my to-do list for weeks (okay, maybe months…), but each time I decide to approach it, I freeze. I’m not sure whether I have nothing to write about, or too much to write about. A head full of jumbled thoughts can be just as useless as no thoughts at all.

But I’m writing. Because I told a close friend about how much I wanted to write but just couldn’t get it done. She texted me today and told me to write. So here I am.

The insanity that is 2020 has really highlighted the friendships that I’ve been blessed with. In spite of all the flaws I posses, I have somehow ended up with a circle of people that have crossed the threshold from friends to trusted sisters. The thing that surprises me is that I don’t know when that happened. Is it simply time and life experience that grows friendships? I’m not sure. I have had close friends with that time and experience, only to have an instantaneous wall go up and the friendship gets set back to ‘polite acquaintance’. I doubt those relationships will survive that backtracking. I guess time will tell. But these sisters – they allow me to be honest, and they give me truthful advice. Many times, that advice would sting from any other person, but it doesn’t when it comes from them. Maybe because I’m confident that it’s coming from a place of love.

At 40, I feel like I’m still learning a lot about friendship. I do know that the strength and quality of relationships only deepen as I grow older. And in this current crazy time, it’s so good to know I have these constants in my life. My family and my trusted sisters. People who stick with you, encourage you, stand up for you, pray for you and push you to keep moving forward.

I’m thankful for these women and it’s fitting that their presence in my life is what finally helped me put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard – let’s be honest). What relationships are helping you through 2020? Even in these hard times, we have so much to be thankful for. Enjoy your weekend!

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